Tag: good gynaecologist in hyderabad

Top Signs of ADHD in Children

Top Signs of ADHD in Children

If you never heard about ADHD and wondering what it is all about, let us now get an idea what does it exactly mean. ADHD stands for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder and is a complex mental disorder seen in children which affects them even in their adulthood if it is left untreated.

The three primary characteristics which are exhibited by children with ADHD are inattention, hyperactivity and impulsive. To understand in detail:

  • Inattention: Children with ADHD may be inattentive but not hyperactive or impulsive. They can concentrate on the activities they enjoy no matter how difficult they are. But they have trouble to focus on the tasks which are boring and repetitive.
  • Hyperactive: While many kids are naturally quite active, children who are hyperactive are always moving. They may try to do many things at once.
  • Impulsive: Children who exhibit impulsive behaviour acts at an instinct without thinking about the results and consequences.

It can be difficult to diagnose children with ADHD. The average age of diagnosis is 7. Just because children exhibiting the symptoms of inattention, hyperactivity and impulsive behaviour doesn’t mean they have ADHD. There are many other symptoms such as psychological disorders including depression, anxiety etc.  by which we can determine a child has ADHD.

Common Signs of ADHD:

  • One of the most common sign of children with ADHD is self-focused behaviour. These children have inability to recognize the needs and desires of others. They may interrupt others while they are talking and can’t wait for their turn during activities which involve other children.
  • Children may have outbursts of anger. They might have difficulty in controlling their emotions.
  • Children might show interests in lot of different things but they may have problems in finishing the tasks as they move to some other activities which catches their attention before completing the previous tasks.
  • Lack of focus is another symptom which can be seen in these children. They may have trouble in paying attention. This may lead to careless mistakes but it is not a sign of laziness or lack of intelligence.
Foods That Affect your Fertility

Foods That Affect your Fertility

Thousands of women are declared perfectly healthy, but they still cannot get pregnant. One of the most common causes for the inability to conceive is ovulatory disorder, a condition with often unknown cause. Scientists found recently that poor diet and unhealthy lifestyle might be one of the main reasons for ovulatory disorder infertility. Female fertility is becoming a serious problem, and improving diet is one of the ways to fight it.

Foods which make you infertile

  1. Food with increased sugar levels are considered to increase the risk of infertility. White rice, french fries, mashed potatoes, rice cakes, donuts, pumpkin and cornflakes are few foods which causes infertility among women.
  2. Caffeine products especially coffee can lead to infertility among women. Consuming more than 300 gms of coffee per day can increase the chances of infertility. It is advised to quit having coffee if a woman is planning to conceive.
  3. Food which is rich in trans fat also affects the fertility of a woman. Fast food, packaged food, frozen and baked foods are rich in trans fat.
  4. Cheese which is not made with pasteurised milk can cause infertility among women. Food which has soft cheese should be avoided if it is not made with pasteurised milk. Listeria (a bacteria) has the capability to cross the placenta and affect the uterus.
  5. Consumption of soda, both diet and those sweetened with fructose, and other sugared drinks were associated with increased risks of infertility.

Foods which help you to conceive

  1. Eat protein from vegetables, not meat. Proteins from peas, beans, soy and nuts are found to improve fertility.
  2. Avoid skim milk while trying to get pregnant, it seems that it has negative effect. Whole milk is much better, so indulge in a glass of whole fat milk, yogurt or ice cream daily.
  3. Iron-rich plants such as beans, spinach, tomatoes, pumpkin, beats and whole grains are all fertility boosters.
  4. Foods rich in fiber, such as vegetables, whole grains, fruits and beans are rich in carbohydrates that are digested slowly, improving fertility, controlling blood glucose and insulin levels.
  5. Eggs are a source of protein, essential fats and choline. Studies have shown choline can benefit fetal development, and can even having a lasting effect on the baby as it grows.
Protect Your Health at Menopause

Protect Your Health at Menopause

Menopause is part of the natural ageing process, as a woman’s oestrogen and progesterone levels decrease. It can be a frustrating, tiring, and even confusing time in any woman’s life. Around the time of menopause, women begin to face higher risks of developing certain health conditions. Some of this risk is related to hormonal changes, but other health threats simply become more common because menopausal women are getting older.

Symptoms vary for each woman, but may include depression, sleep problems, hot flashes, moodiness, irritability and weight gain. Most women do not need treatment of menopausal symptoms. Some women find that their symptoms go away by themselves, and some women just don’t find the symptoms very uncomfortable. But if you are bothered by symptoms, there are many ways to deal with them, including medications and lifestyle changes.

Follow these simple guidelines to deal with menopausal problems:

Maintain a healthy diet

                Maintaining a healthy diet is a great first step to get protected during menopause. Instead of three square meals a day, eat three small meals and three healthy snacks.  Eat a variety of foods to get all the nutrients you need. Since women’s diets are often low in iron and calcium, make sure to get enough calcium, iron and fibre from your food. Avoid spicy foods, alcohol, and caffeine; also meet the daily water requirement to prevent hot flashes.

Get regular physical exercise

                As we all know exercise is a great way to build better health, at the same time it is one of the best stress management techniques. A regular workout not only helps you to avoid menopausal weight gain but also relieves you from stress and relaxes your body. Although 30 minutes at least three times a week is best, even 10 minutes a day can improve a lot of menopause symptoms.

Practice good sleeping habits

                Getting enough good, quality sleep is important for good health in all stages of life. Researches indicate more than half of all women in menopause do not get enough sleep because of problems with hot flashes, depression, anxiety and insomnia. Stick to your normal sleep schedule during menopause or establish one if you haven’t already. Going to bed and getting up at the same time every day is the best way to get good healthy sleep. Do not stay up late and sleep in on the weekends, which can throw your schedule off. A hot bath before going to bed is recommended which is beneficial for several factors.