Tag: introducing solids to babies

Is Your Infant Safe From Food Allergies?

Is Your Infant Safe From Food Allergies?

             Mothers feel very excited while introducing solids to their babies for the first time. Besides excitement they are surrounded by many suggestions about how to feed and what to feed which throw most of the moms in dilemma.

When the baby is ready to have solids, mothers concentrate more on meeting up the nutritional requirements which aid baby’s healthy growth. But it is equally important to recognize the possible food allergies that may result in babies and what foods are most likely to cause allergies.

Food allergy is referred to an abnormal reaction by body’s immune system triggered by consumption of a specific food. Even a small amount of allergy causing food can result in food allergy which shows the symptoms right after eating or within couple of hours.  

Signs of food allergies:

The signs and symptoms of food allergies may vary from person to person. They can be mild or severe and can involve one part of the body and more than one part of the body in some cases. Some of the most common signs of food allergies include:

  • Hives
  • Skin rash
  • Vomiting or diarrhea
  • Abdominal pain
  • Redness and swelling of the face
  • Itching and swelling of lips, tongue or mouth.
  • Difficulty in breathing
  • Sneezing
  • Runny or stuffy nose.
  • Fainting

How to avoid food allergies in babies:

            Most of the kids could be allergic to any food, but the common allergens may include milk, eggs, peanuts, fish, wheat and nuts such as walnuts, cashews. A baby can be protected from food allergy just by eliminating a particular food from his diet which causes allergy.

But many can get a doubt that how can a food allergy can be avoided if the baby has just started his solid foods? Then here is an answer which clears all your doubts. Follow these thumb rules, to keep food allergies at a bay from your child.

  • When a baby has started to have solids, feed him with a small quantity which should be not more than two teaspoons.
  • Introduce a new food at least four days apart. This gives you enough time to observe the allergic reactions if any and it could be difficult to find which food is the reason for the allergy if different foods are introduced at a time.
  • Introduce fruits, veggies and homemade foods rather than packaged foods. This will help kids to likely develop less food allergies.

Once a child has an allergic reaction, it can happen again and it might be more severe than the first time. So, it is better to consult a doctor who provides you an action plan for managing the allergic reaction when it might happen for the next time. 

Do’s & Don’ts of Introducing Solids to Your Baby

Do’s & Don’ts of Introducing Solids to Your Baby

Most of the moms are confused while introducing babies to their first foods. One of the things that concern most mothers is how to properly feed their children right from the time of introducing solids. Introduction of solids to babies is also called as complementary feeding, as it is mandatory to feed them with breast milk or formula feed which should be the primary source of food till they are one year old. The solids must be an additional source of nutrients.

Feeding an infant shouldn’t be a stressful situation. To help out the new mothers, here are some do’s and don’ts while feeding their babies


  • Do check with your pediatrician before starting solids to your baby.
  • Look for the physical signs such as sitting up with limited support, have good neck strength and ability to chew the food.
  • Introduce one food at a time in small quantity i.e. about one to two teaspoons and gradually increase the quantity over time.
  • When solids are introduced before your baby turns 6 months, make sure they are pureed. Later introduce different kinds of textures such as minced, mashed or shredded food which helps the baby in transitioning to eat regular food.
  • Make sure to provide necessary nutrition for your baby to aid healthy growth.


  • Don’t introduce two new foods at a time; maintain a gap of three to four days between introduction of each food. By following this tip it is easier to figure out any possible reactions like diarrhea, vomiting or rashes.
  • Don’t stop breast-feeding or formula-feeding just because you are working on the introduction of solids. Breast milk or formula feed must be a main source of nutrition and calories.
  • Don’t add honey, salt or sugar into the baby food just to make your baby like that food.
  • If your baby doesn’t show interest or rejects while being introduced to a new food, don’t force them to eat. Try again and again by maintaining a gap of few days.
  • Don’t distract your baby during the mealtime. Turn off the TV or music, and keep away the toys while feeding.

It is very important to be patient while feeding your baby. Don’t get frustrated when your baby does not accept the food you have introduced to him. Remember that the every food you are introducing to your baby has never crossed his lips before and he has to get used for its new texture and flavour.